I have interest in methods and programs that use trinary algorithms to visualize mathematicals anomalies in some data patterns. For example, if I upload a CSV file, then I would like to see how functions transform any type of data in ternary associations.
I have been working since 1988 in trinary logic using real numbers in some data studies. I covered many surveys in human resources departments among thousand of employees. Also I worked in prediction reports for insurance markets, retail, and on line discounts. I usually use Excel editing 200mb to 600mb sheets with many macros that transform data searching ternary patterns.
I have interests in clustering methods using tri-states.
I have a project named http://www.behavior-patterns.com that have focus in reports using excel files, but where the data is transformed in trinary elements.
My Linkedin Profile is https://ar.linkedin.com/in/ernestotacchi
PS: My biblie is the book Setun from Francis Hunger. There are some pictures in this book that clearly distinguish some patterns and people to contact.